Set aside Cash, SIMPLIFY your life and make sustenance prep LESS STRESSFUL. These little plastic stockpiling holders are additionally extraordinary as serving of mixed greens dressing compartments.
Product Features:
MICROWAVE AND FREEZER SAFE SMALL STORAGE CONTAINERS (aside from tops) securely store prepared nourishment for HEALTHY MEALS all week for your children and little children. They enable you to get ready sustenance early, pick solid natively constructed child nourishment like pureed vegetables and yogurt and keep their sound supper plan on track, sparing you time and stress, and keeping your little tots HAPPY, HEALTHY and FIT.
Sealed shut MEAL PREP BABY BOWLS save the FRESHNESS of your infant's feast. This implies your prepared child sustenance will stay FRESH, not get scents from other nourishment and pose a flavor like ice when you warm and eat the feast. The set comes in six reusable square shape sustenance compartments with 6 oz limit.
BPA FREE and 100% LEAK-PROOF LOCKING LIDS of the natively constructed infant sustenance stockpiling holders protect your newborn child's nourishment. They include a spill evidence silicone lock which secures sustenance's freshness. Ideal for movement, childcare or school snacks for your little children.